A study from the UK, published in September 2020, aimed to explore whether there was a relationship between different EMR exposures and Alzheimer’s disease. The study went over 46 articles and resources related to the subject, to draw their conclusion. Where many researchers suggest that some EMR has prepared the ground for AD, others however, claim that RF radiation has a positive effect on the disease in question.
The study’s overview of relevant literature has shown that although some evidence suggests that RF radiation may have a beneficial effect on AD, a considerable amount of literature claims that RF radiation will affect AD negatively. The wide spectrum of reported effects may be attributed, at least in part, to a complex interplay between an array of factors, including the type of electromagnetic radiation, its dosage, the duration of exposure etc.
Many of the articles used by the study to answer their question, displayed that even small exposure to different kinds of EMF, would have a negative effect on AD. As one of the articles concentrated on train drivers who had experienced low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure. The study had found that train drivers had a 3.15 times hazard ratio of developing Alzheimer’s disease compared to station masters.
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Omer Dasdag , Nur Adalier & Suleyman Dasdag (2020) Electromagnetic
radiation and Alzheimer’s disease, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 34:1, 1087-1094
To link to article: https://doi.org/10.1080/13102818.2020.1820378